4th Annual Hand Pulled Prints: Current Practice in Printmaking

Sept 21, 2018 – Oct 21, 2018

Alan Singer, Tropical Radiance

Alan Singer, Tropical Radiance

About the Juror:
Jennifer Melby is a master printmaker specializing in intaglio printmaking. She opened her studio in the early 1980’s and has worked with Brice Marden, Donald Baechler, Michael Byron, Eric Fischl, Janet Fish, Jane Freilicher, Joanne Greenbaum, Dan McCarthy, Suzanne McClelland, Sean Mellyn, and Paul Henry Ramirez, among others. Prints made in her studio have been acquired by many contemporary print collections including the Museum of Modern Art, New York Public Library, Whitney Museum, Houston Museum of Fine Art, Cleveland Museum of Art, Smith College, Tate Gallery, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, and the Yale University Art Gallery.

Linda Adato, Miguel Aragon, Tom Baker, Sebastian Blanck, Georg Bothe, Linda Lee Boyd, Marc Brown, Myles Calvert, Antonio Cardoso, Liz Chalfin, Xiaowei Chen, Leilei Chen, Beibei Chen, Kathryn Cirincione, Briar Craig, Michael DalCerro, Nancy Doniger, Barbara Duval, Matthew Egan, Gail Flanery, Kate Fleming, M. Alexander Gray, Vanessa Hall-Patch, Marco Hernandez, Yuji Hiratsuka, Anna Hoberman, Janne Laine, Nancy Lasar, Marc Lepson, Geneviève L'Heureux, Amy McGregor-Radin, Monika Meler, Bayard Morse, Stewart Nachmias, Nathan Pietrykowski Sheila Pitt, Tongji Qian, Rachel Roberts, Terry Schupbach-Gordon, Sarah Serio, Alan Singer, Daniel Streck, Emily Sullivan Smith, Eszter Sziksz, Bruce Thayer, Art Werger, Tabitha Whitley