In the Abstract
June 4, 2020 – June 27, 2020
Artwork by Heejung Cho
Abstraction still presents the possibility of enchantment. It is the limb of 20th century modern art, stretched out into the present day. Not trying to represent visual reality but instead using the colors, shapes, and processes that create its effect, abstraction invokes questions of space, order, simplicity and the limits of art itself. Site:Brooklyn is looking for work across all media.
About the Juror:
Gail Levin is an American art historian, biographer, professor of art history and curator. She specializes in the works of Edward Hopper, Abstract Expressionism, and American modernist art. At the Whitney Museum, Levin served as the first curator of the Hopper Collection, as well as the curator of a number of landmark touring exhibitions including Edward Hopper: Prints and Illustrations and Edward Hopper: The Art and The Artist, Synchronism and American Color Abstraction: 1910-1925 and co-curator with Robert Hobbs of Abstract Expressionism: The Formative Years. In addition, she is the author of three biographies: Edward Hopper: An Intimate Biography,Becoming Judy Chicago: A Biography of the Artist and Lee Krasner: A Biography.
Hale Allen, T Alyne, Gretchen Beck, Anne Beinecke, Ricardo Beron, Jessamyn Box, David Briggs, Elizabeth Bryan-Jacobs ,Heejung Cho, Robert Crifasi, Ashley Cunningham, Eric Dever, Lee Dollison, Stephanie Echeveste, John Fallon, Yehudit Feinstein Mentesh, Dina Good, Maki Hajikano, Leah Hewson, Hopeton St.Clair Hibbert, Joe LaMattina, Gabrielle Lundy, Melissa Lynn, Elizabeth Magee, Alyssa Maurin, Xiaowei Song, Ashley Spero, Adam Z. Swart, Katie Truk, Angie Zielinski