Green is a complex color: a symbol of life, luck, and hope, but also disorder and greed. Until recently, green was a challenging color to produce. Not surprisingly, the color has been associated with all that is fluid and changing: childhood, love, and money. It was during the Romantic period green became the color of the natural environment. What does green mean today?
The Juror:
Eva Díaz is currently Associate Professor of Contemporary Art History at Pratt. Prior to coming to Pratt she taught at the Whitney Museum Independent Study Program, Sarah Lawrence College, and Parsons; she also worked as the curator at Art in General. Her writing has appeared in magazines and journals such as The Art Bulletin, Artforum, Art Journal, Art in America, Cabinet, Frieze, Grey Room, Harvard Design Magazine, and October. Her book, The Experimenters: Chance and Design at Black Mountain College, was released in 2015 by the University of Chicago Press.