Video/New Media
June 4, 2020 – June 27, 2020
Sound installation by Jeremy Davis
Site:Brooklyn’s Video/New Media exhibition is seeking artwork that explores artistic applications of new media and technologies as well as work that examines the relationship between media, technology, and culture. This includes video, digital, sound, animation, virtual reality, and all other new technologies. We are looking for work that does not conform to traditional boundaries of form, medium, or genre.
About the Juror:
Yuge Zhou is a Chinese-born, Chicago-based digital artist and curator. As a curator, she directs the 3300-square foot 150 Media Stream, one of the largest new media and video art installations in Chicago since its launch in 2017. In this capacity, she has worked with over forty established and emerging media artists and institutions to create innovative programming each month that engages a cross-section of diverse communities.
As an artist, she has exhibited her work nationally and internationally including a recent solo exhibition at Site:Brooklyn which was featured on HYPEBEAST. Her work has been the subject of various articles in such publications as New York Magazine, The Huffington Post, and Whitehot Magazine of Contemporary Art. Zhou received the 2017 Santo Foundation Individual Artist Award.